10U Division

Our 10U Division is a dive into the structured and advanced game of softball. With live player pitching, umpires, base stealing, etc. this division will really bring all the preparation years of the younger divisions into play. Coaches will develop the players beyond the basic skills and introduce them into gameplay strategies and situations.

Season Expectations

  1. Teams are formed and players will be contacted by their team coaches. Coaches will work within the field availability slots to schedule practices that fit the best with players availabilities.
  2. Home games are played on the softball fields at John H West Elementary school.
  3. Games are scheduled on Weeknights and Weekends depending on field availability. Games usually last between 1 1/2 - 2 Hours.
  4. Season will take place from End of April through beginning of June.
  5. At the end of the regular season there will be single elimination playoffs to crown a division champion.

Gameplay Rules
1. All scores must be reported by the winning team the night of your game.
2. Games are scheduled for 6 innings. A forfeit will be declared 15 minutes sharp after the scheduled start time. A minimum of 7 players is required to start the game and if a player is injured during the game, the team may continue with 6 players.
3. The spot vacated by injured or early leaving players is not an out. Just skip over that spot in the order.
4. To not be charged with a forfeit, if a manager knows he does not have enough players for a certain game scheduled, he/she should attempt to call up or borrow players for such game, per Rule #9 below, to ensure it can be played. In the event the manager is unable to field a team for such game, they must notify the opposing manager and division heads at least 48 hours in advance of the game and discuss a reschedule.
5. Time limit – Umpires and coaches must agree on the starting time of the game before the first pitch is made: scorekeepers should note the starting time of each game in the scorebook. No new inning can begin after 1 hour and 45 minutes. If the game is tied after the last inning has been played and there is no game scheduled to be played on your field, the game may be extended by up to 30 minutes (with no inning beginning after 2:15). If still tied after the extra 30 minutes, the game shall be called a tie. There is no time limit for post season games.
6. A game is considered official when 4 innings are completed. (3.5 innings if the home team is ahead). If a game is called prior to these completed innings for darkness, rain or other reasons, the game shall be deemed cancelled and must be rescheduled as if it had not been played and any innings pitched will not count.
7. If a game is called after 3.5 innings for darkness, rain or other reasons, and the inning has not been completed, the score will revert back to the last completed inning to determine the outcome of the game. However, if the home team is at bat and winning when the game is called, the score at that time is the final score.
8. Innings are 3 outs or 4 runs scored, whichever occurs first. However, 3 outs must be made in the last inning. Both Managers and the umpire must agree before the inning begins that it will be designated the “last inning”.
9. If a team is going to be short girls, you may call up girls from the 8U Division or “borrow” a player from another 10U team within your town. Once “called up” and at the field, that girl must play even if additional team members show up. Only registered little league players can practice/play/workout/be called up with your team. This includes siblings. Players called up during the regular season may play any position, except pitcher, however, they may not play the IF more than 3 innings. If a player is needed for a playoff game, only 8U Girls may be utilized/called up and can only play the OF. This player must be dressed in her own team jersey and bat at the end of the lineup.. .
10. No one is permitted behind the backstop during the games. This includes all coaches, parents & children.
11. There is a ZERO tolerance policy for any type of abuse towards an umpire. Managers are responsible for behavior of the parents and spectators of their team. Only the manager or acting manager of the game may approach the umpire for any reason.
12. All girls must be dressed in full uniform. Socks, team jersey and softball pants that were distributed by the league. If not appropriately dressed the girl will be ineligible to play.
1. Regulation 11” leather core.47 softballs will be used.
2. Pitcher’s mound distance will be 35 feet.
3. Pitcher should begin with one foot touching the rubber. When taking the pitching position, the pitcher must have his/her hands separated and must have the ball in either the glove or the pitching hand. Prior to pitching, the pitcher shall take a position with his/her pivot foot [same foot as pitching hand] in contact with the pitcher's plate. League will follow the step back pitching rule whereby a backward step may be taken before or simultaneous with the hands being brought together. The pivot foot must always remain in contact with the pitching plate prior to the forward step. Both feet must stay within 24 inches of the pitchers plate. In the event a manager deems the pitcher to not be following proper technique, the manager should discuss the situation with the other manager and umpire and instruction should be provided to the pitcher. We want these girls to learn the proper technique and forcing them from the game will not accomplish this. If it is not a flagrant violation that is providing the pitcher with an unfair advantage, please be patient and work with the opposing pitcher/manager.
4. If a pitcher throws 1 pitch it will constitute an inning.
5. Each pitcher may pitch a maximum of 3 innings per game. In the event the game goes into extra innings, a pitcher who has already pitched 3 innings may reenter and pitch a maximum of 2 additional innings.
6. A pitcher will be removed as a pitcher for the game, and is no longer eligible to pitch in that game, if she hits 3 batters in an inning or 5 in a game. To count as a hit by pitch the batter must make an attempt to avoid the pitch – this will be in the umpire’s discretion.
7. All players are eligible to continuously leave and re-enter the game in the field, including the pitcher.
8. Once a pitcher approaches the pitcher's plate, all dugouts must be quiet until the umpire has called the pitch. No negative chanting is allowed.
9. No intentional walks.
10. Two trips to the mound per inning are permitted. 2nd trip, pitcher must be replaced.
1. 10 Players in the field.
2. Outfielders must play 4 across, no short center. Outfielders must be standing on the outfield grass.
3. A team must field at least 7 players. If one of the 7 players get injured, the team still can play with 6 fielders.
4. For a full 6 inning game, each player must play at least 2 innings in the infield. It is strongly encouraged that no player sit on the bench for two consecutive innings. In the event a game lasts less than 6 innings, managers should do their best to ensure all players get equal amounts of time in the IF and OF.
1. Universal batting will be in effect throughout the entire season.
2. On a dropped 3rd strike the batter is out. Runners may advance at their own risk. This will count toward the steal limit. (See Base Running Rule 4.)
3. There is no Infield Fly rule in effect.
4. Base runners may tag up on fly ball outs and advance to any base.
5. Bunting is allowed.
1. Bases will be set at 60 feet.
2. Runners may not lead, but may steal when the ball crosses home plate. The runner must either attempt to advance using a steal or return to the base upon the catcher having control of the ball and returning the ball to the pitcher. There is no “dancing” off the base or delayed steals permitted.
3. One warning per team for a player leaving the base too early
4. On a hit that causes a play at first base, the runner must touch the orange safety base. Failure to do so will result in the runner being called out. Exception to this is if the batter-runner uses the white base to avoid contact with fielder potentially using foul territory to make a play.
5. If the catcher attempts a pick off at first base, all runners can advance at their own risk if a steal still exists; except a runner on third who can only advance on a walk or batted ball. Per rule #7 below, there is no stealing of home.
6. Each team may steal second base two times per inning and may steal third base an unlimited number of times per inning. No runner stealing any base may advance on an overthrow (i.e. no base runner may advance two bases on a play initiated by a steal).
7. There is no stealing home and thus all runners on third base must remain on the base whether the catcher has control of the ball, a pitched ball gets past the catcher, or there is an overthrow on a steal.
8. There are no double steals (two different players stealing a base on the same play).
9. If there is a violation of rule #6 or #7, the play is dead and the runner(s) shall be sent back to their respective base.
10. The ball is dead on the throwback to the pitcher from the catcher.
11. Time is out when a player with the ball in the pitcher's circle calls time and time is granted by the umpire.
12. A runner more than half way to the next base when time is called will be awarded that base. A runner less than half way will return to the previous base. This rule is solely at the discretion of the umpire.
13. There is no continuation allowed on a walk.
14. If there is a play at home (in the umpire’s judgment), the runner must slide or surrender. If the runner does not do so, she will be out. At other bases it will be at the umpire’s discretion to call runner’s interference if the runner does not slide and makes contact with the fielder.
15. There is no head first sliding except when a catcher is attempting a pick off and it is a dive back to a base.
16. There are no stealing bases when a team is up by 8 runs or more. Base runners can only advance on batted balls in such a situation.
1. If the opposing team’s catcher and/or pitcher is on base after two outs or three runs have been recorded that player shall be (catcher)/can be (pitcher) replaced with a courtesy runner. The courtesy runner will be the last batter out. (The catcher will then re-apply her equipment & be prepared to play as soon as the third out is recorded).
1. The 12 run mercy rule will be in effect after 4 innings, 3 ½ if the home team is ahead and 10 runs after 5 innings, 4 ½ if the home team is ahead.
1. Managers and coaches must be at the field at least 15 minutes before starting times. Advise your team that you expect them to arrive 15 minutes prior to all start times. We must start the games on time.
2. Managers are responsible to make sure there is ice and a team first aid kit at the field for every game or practice.
4. Only Managers and coaches may coach 1st or 3rd base. Parent may do so in the event a coach or manager is not present at a game.
5. Players may not wear any jewelry unless it is a medical alert bracelet. Taping or covering of jewelry is prohibited.
6. Once a game is officially rained out, it is the home team’s responsibility to reach out to their league for available fields, dates and times. Within 48 hours after the rained out game, the home team shall share with the away team two options to make up the game. The visiting team then has 24 hours to respond and accept one of the dates. If no response, the division head will assign and schedule the makeup.
7. We have a tight timeline for playoffs. In fairness to all, we ask managers to adhere to the playoff round completion dates as best they can. We will allow for reasonable accommodations to extend
a day or two if necessary. Long delays between playoff rounds will affect all remaining teams and rounds and will not be tolerated. It is the manager’s responsibility to prepare themselves during the season to ensure there is a coach/parent who can run the team if the manager is not available, otherwise risk forfeiting the game if a reasonable amount of time cannot be met? 8. If a manager is thrown out of a game for any reason, he/she will automatically receive an additional 1 game suspension and be brought in front of their respective league’s disciplinary committee.
9. When schedules are posted, it is the league’s intent to play as many games as possible. We want the girls to play! In this spirit, we are asking all managers to make every effort to complete as much of the schedule as possible. Not doing so may affect a team’s post season seeding, at the discretion of the Town Directors.
1. The standings will be posted on the above mentioned website. 2 points will be awarded for a win and 1 point for a tie.
2. In the event of a tie we will use the following tie breaking procedures:
- Head to head record
- Total number of games played
- Head to head against next highest seeds, going down until one team has a better record against the next higher seed
- Compare Runs Allowed Ratio: add up all runs allowed and divide by the amount of defensive innings your team played.
- Coin Toss
3. The playoffs will not re-seed after each round. It is too difficult to schedule the rounds in advance if teams are re-seeded.