Our 6U Division is our introduction to gameplay and based on an instructional platform. Coaches will be on field assisting fielders on the basics of fielding balls, making throws and catching. We look to build a good foundation and start the basic understanding of the game in order to setup future success and enjoyment playing softball.

Season Expectations

  1. Teams are formed and players will be contacted by their team coaches. Coaches will work within the field availability slots to schedule practices that fit the best with players availabilities.
  2. Home games are played on the grass at John H West Elementary school.
  3. Games are scheduled on Weeknights and Weekends depending on field availability. Games usually last between 1- 1 1/2 Hours.
  4. Season will take place from End of April through beginning of June.
  5. At end of season, the division will be thrown a Pizza Party and received trophies.

Gameplay Rules

  1. The games will be based on an instructional platform, where proper batting, running, fielding and throwing techniques will be taught and reinforced throughout the game.
  2. Universal Batting - everyone bats. The inning is over after every player takes a turn at bat.
  3. Coach pitch. After 5 swings, a tee will be used.
  4. All players will play in the field with the intent to spread out the players resembling a typical defense alignment.
  5. Coaches and parents can assist on the field defensively, as needed.
  6. Base at 50 feet.
  7. Each game tends to be 3 innings due to the attention span of the players.
  8. Player safety is paramount. Players are not to swing the bat without the supervision of an adult.
  9. Rescheduling or canceling should first be handled between coaches, then with the field scheduler to find field time for rescheduling. Once an agreement is in place, all websites and schedules will be updated. Note: There should normally no need to reschedule game due to lack of players unless less than 6 players are available.


6U Division